Saxon Switzerland National Park: Your Wilderness Guide!


Saxon Switzerland National Park is a German national park which features picturesque rocky canyon landscapes and rich sundry wildlife. Besides its breathtaking rocky landscapes the park is also famous for many other viewpoints which unravel the hidden beauty of the natural wonders. This park is not only famous for its sightseeing but also for the many different kinds of adventurous activities that one can try out in this park. Trigger your inner adventure self and go for hiking or climbing. You will also come across some ancient fortresses that have an essence of the rich cultural heritage of the past. No wonder the ravishing beauty of this park attracts tourists from all over the world and is one of the most visited places is Germany.

About Saxon Switzerland National Park

 National Park

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The Saxon Switzerland National Park in German is located in the free state of Saxony, near the capital Dresden. Often confused because of its name, this park is actually located in Germany and not in Switzerland. This park was opened in the year 1990 with the aim to preserve the natural wildlife including many different species of flora and fauna. The whole park is divided into two regions which the eastern and the western regions. It is known to have preserved both mountain forest and gorge forest which is on the verge of extinction from the face Europe.

Best Time To Visit Switzerland National Park

Landscape Bastei Rock Germany Nature Saxony

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If you are someone who would like to visit the park when it blossoms at its best, then it is recommended visit this place in the most of October, August, and January.

Octobers are the best time to visit this park as nature is at its very best and you get to explore a lot of places. But since this, the peak time as most tourists visit this place during this time of the year the place is crowded and the prices of hotels and flights are very expensive. So if you don’t mind splurging a little more than these three months are the best time for you to visit the park.

Now for people who want to get along with the natural wonders of this place but can’t afford to splurge much. Don’t worry! You can still visit this park in the month of December. Although the weather is a little chilly but you can still enjoy the various aspects of this park. Also since December is an off season, the prices of the hotels and flight don’t cost much the crowd is either less or moderate. Saxon Switzerland National Park weather is awesome throughout the year.

4 Places To Visit In And Around Saxon National Park

There are several beautiful places to visit in and around Saxon Switzerland National Park. We have listed a few keeping in mind the preferences of both kids and adults. Take a look:

1. Königstein Fortress

Königstein Fortress

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This landscape is famous for its fairytale kind of an ambiance. The whole place is dominated by beautiful castles and fortresses which are fascinating to watch. The awe inspiring monuments date back to 13th century and are still known to retain its beauty. From this place, you can get to witness a spectacular view of Saxon Switzerland. This is a place that you should definitely visit in the park.

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2. Bastei Bridge

Bastei Bridge

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The biggest attraction of this park is Saxon Switzerland National Park Bastei Bridge and Bastei rocks which are as high as 200 meters and are situated right above the famous river the Elbe. The Bastei Bridge is a wooden bridge which was built in the 19th century between the rocks creating a splendid view. Tourist cross this bridge which is a thrilling experience in itself and is also completely safe.

3. Schrammsteine

Schrammsteine in switzerland

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This is yet another beautiful place located in the Elbe valley and offers a lot of opportunities for people who love climbing or hiking. These are a long and jagged group of rock formations that attract the most number of thrills seekers every year. As you climb up these rock formations you will get to witness the picturesque landscapes and other natural wonders which have been beautifully sculpted by nature over a long span of time. The top view is even more breathtaking as you get to see the entire city with a totally different angle.

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4. Winterstein

Winterstein in Switzerland

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As you visit this place, it will take you back in time in the era of the medieval period. The whole place is crafted by natural phenomena like the fast flowing rivers and heavy blowing wind. This place basically is an isolated rock massif that is home to lush greenery and a variety of flora and fauna. You will also find the remains of the castles of the medieval period as you approach the summit. This place is usually less crowded and the ambiance is surreal and peaceful.

3 Things To Do In Saxon National Park

From hitchhiking to climbing hilly terrains, there are several things to do in Saxon Switzerland National Park. We have shortlisted a few for you. Take a look:

1. Saxon National Park – Hike


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This park is more like a paradise for all those people who love hiking amidst the greenery. This park has trails which are apporx 400 km long and runs all over the park. These paths and trails are especially for those who love taking a stroll amidst the dense forest and explore nature. While walking you may also spot some species of plants that you may not find at most of the places and this is what makes it more unique.

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2. Educational Exhibitions – Visit

ducational exhibitions

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Your visit to this park would be considered incomplete if you don’t attend one of those educational exhibits that are organized here. They tell about the deep hidden secrets of the parks and also will enrich your knowledge about the rich variety of flora and fauna that is found here. These educational tours are often accompanied by background audio voices that are played continuously and telling about the importance of different places in the park and how they evolved into the present form.

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3. Saxon National Park – Trek

hilly terrains View

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This is a dream come true for all the thrill seekers and adventure lovers. This is a very popular activity among the tourists who come to visit this park. This park features over 700 peaks all of them challenging in their own ways. You can climb on any of these but make sure that you are dressed properly and have all the adequate equipment with you. This should be done to ensure your safety.

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How To Reach Saxon Switzerland National Park

Lake View

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The park is located towards the southeast of Dresden about 19 miles away. Getting there is easy as there are so many transport facilities which are available:

By train: Trains are the best form of transport to get to the park. You can take an S-bahn train from Dresden Central railway station to the different local communities like Bad Schandau, Sebnitz, and Neustadt. It is advised that you take the train to the Bad Schandau which is the closest to the park. After you exist from the Bad Schandau, you can check the Tourist Info Center where you will get all the necessary details of the park.

By bus: There are also several buses that run from Pirna to the park. These are cost-effective and ensure a comfortable journey as well. The Kirnitzschtal tram runs between the Bad Schandau and the waterfall at Lichtenhain and it has seven stops in between the two spots.

By car: This is the easiest way to reach the park. The route is straight and also if you go by car you will end up getting more close to the park than by the train. So you can also go with this option. Also, the road trips with your loved ones will make it an even more memorable experience.

Further Read: Behold These 10 Magnificent Switzerland Waterfalls That Will Blow Your Mind For Sure!

Those looking for a place to stay can choose from The NP Saxon Switzerland, Erbgericht Hotel, and Hotel Sächsische Schweiz. Saxon Switzerland National Park is no less than an imaginary world. It futures all sorts of things from lush green natures, to picturesque landscapes, from rock formations to fascinating castle and medieval period remains. This park is no less than a wonderland which is open to all the nature lovers, thrill seekers and those who are seeking some peace. So if you ever come to Germany make sure that you visit this place and enjoy some of the best days of your life.

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